Body-Fitted Butterfly Grid with Biasing |
Inlets (red and blue) and outlet(gold) |
Fringe plot of density variation in the mixer of a mixed flow turbo-ramjet engine |
Fringe plot of epsilon variation in the mixer of a mixed flow turbo-ramjet engine
Fringe plot of mach number variation in the mixer of a mixed flow turbo-ramjet engine
Fringe plot of static pressure variation in the mixer of a mixed flow turbo-ramjet engine
Fringe plot of total pressure variation in the mixer of a mixed flow turbo-ramjet engine
Fringe plot of flow speed variation in the mixer of a mixed flow turbo-ramjet engine
Fringe plot of static temperature variation in the mixer of a mixed flow turbo-ramjet engine
Fringe plot of turbulent kinetic energy variation in the mixer of a mixed flow turbo-ramjet engine
Fringe plot of total temperature in the mixer of a mixed flow turbo-ramjet engine